Human Capital is the most important and critical asset of Organizations, whose management becomes increasingly demanding and complex. In this sense, SAL Consulting creates integrated solutions to help you manage your staff through the following services.

Human Resources Audit – Study and Report;
Analysis of the organizational climate;
HR Satisfaction Studies and Surveys;
Level of achievement of objectives and motivation;
Adequacy of HR Management Systems;
Internal Organizational Chart Efficiency Analysis;
Analysis and Benchmarking of HR Policies implemented or to be implemented in the Organization.

Preparation and Adaptation of a Functions Manual (Qualifier);
Implementation of Performance Assessment Systems;
Definition of the Company’s Remuneration Policy;
Adequacy of Career Plan and Remuneration Progression;
Human Development Plan (Web of Competencies);
Sustainable Planning (Seasonal HR Management).

R&S – Flex
This model is fundamentally suited to companies that want to directly develop the R&S process but that want to benefit from the protocols and means that SAL Consulting has to attract talent.
R&S – Max
It is normally suitable for companies that have already started the R&S process, having placed advertisements on their own initiative in various media, but that intend to delegate some steps to a specialized team in order to ensure the selection of the right candidate for the right role.
R&S – Premium
Model consisting of 7 Stages that guarantee the complete development of a recruitment and selection process, in which the SAL Consulting team will assume the total management of the process.