The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Olavo Correia, announced today that the country managed to mobilize 1.5 billion euros in the private investment forum on the island of Sal, triple the amount planned.

“It is an expressive amount, 1.5 billion euros (1.5 billion euros) in funding for the Cape Verdean economy in the fields of health, tourism, maritime and air transport, telecommunications and professional training and investment by our company. diaspora”, the official said, speaking to Rádio de Cabo Verde (RCV), at the end of the Cabo Verde Investment Forum (CVIF), which took place in the last three days on the island of Sal.

The objective of the Cape Verdean Government was to mobilize 500 million euros for private investments in the country.

“I think the most important thing about this Forum is that there is great confidence in the Cape Verdean economy”, said Olavo Correia, indicating that contracts were signed with investors from several countries and that all the islands in the country will be covered by the investments.

“Cape Verde is neither poor nor small, Cape Verde is a great country, with great ambition, there are many people who believe in our country and we have to create the conditions to implement projects that are structuring for our economy. is to continue to do more of the same”, he challenged.

The Minister of Finance said that the three days of work were “interesting”, with an “extraordinary result” and that it will now be followed so that the agreements, protocols and memoranda of understanding signed can be implemented.

During the Forum, which involved more than 400 participants and had more than 100 meetings, the Minister said that the organizers sent a “positive message” for Cape Verde and its future.

“We trust Cape Verde and we have to make others trust Cape Verde, to change the lives of young people, creating opportunities for Cape Verdean youth”, he said.

He highlighted the signing of a project for the construction of a new hospital in the country, with the aim of ending the transport of patients to other countries and so that the cadres and doctors of the diaspora can provide service in the archipelago.

The total package of private investments also includes the Specific Lusophone Compact, which Cape Verde signed during the Forum, with Portugal and the African Development Bank (ADB), in the amount of US$470 million.

In December, the Cape Verdean Government organized a similar event, but with donors, in Paris, France, having signed agreements and protocols worth 850 million euros with international partners, to finance the Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development (PEDS) .

The Sal event was attended by several delegations, including a Portuguese business mission, led by the Secretary of State for Tourism, Ana Mendes Godinho.

In addition to the conferences, the Forum had a vast cultural program, with music, carnival performances, drumming and handicraft exhibitions.

Olavo Correia assured that next year the country will organize a second forum, which he hopes will be “much better”.